Renovate for Independent Living
December 4, 2019

Considering an Underground Sprinkler System?
December 4, 2019Hairline Cracks in Cultured Marble Sink
Q: I have a cultured marble sink and countertop in our bathroom, we have noticed a number of hairline cracks have appeared over the years, around the drain. The countertop itself is in great shape, so we would prefer repairing the sink rather than having to replace the whole one-piece unit. Is there something we can do to repair or paint the sink bowl to make it less noticeable?
A: The reason the hairline cracks have appeared over the years is the hot water has exceeded 130 F, which causes the drain to expand with the heat and this will result in cracks of the gel coat finish.
If the cracks are just a little dirty and don’t need major repair, you can fill the sink with one cup bleach and one cup hot water and leave for eight hours. Next, scrub with a toothbrush, rinse and allow to dry. Coat with Gel Gloss.
Another option would be to paint the sink. First, you should apply masking tape along the brim of the basin, wash sink with a degreasing solution, rinse and make sure you allow it to dry.
Now paint the bowl with an epoxy paint to blend with the marble top colour. When applying Epoxy paint use a natural bristle brush to apply it.